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Possible to have default 3rd person when entering vehicle?

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I always play in 1st person, and I usually play as an infantry grunt. But when I get in a vehicle I prefer 3rd person view. Can anyone please help with a script that would automatically switch view to 3rd person when entering any vehicle? Being able to still toggle back and forth between 1st and 3rd would still be awesome, I just prefer to start in 3rd for vehicles, and it would be nice not to have to hit a key for it every single time.

I am impressed with how nice the 1st person view is in vehicles in A3, and I compliment them on their work.

Yet I still feel like it's not quite "bridging the gap between reality and simulation", as Dslyecxi put it so well when describing the need he felt for the ShakTac HUD ( :ok: ). He described very well what I still feel I'm lacking when I get in a vehicle. The lack of 'situational awareness' and a need for more 'peripheral vision and extra-sensory input that you have in reality'.

I would be extremely grateful if anyone would be kind enough to supply such a thing.

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I found this post by Celery - which is supposed to do the exact opposite of what I want;

Create a trigger that activates at that certain point and have it run this:

0=[] spawn {while {vehicle player!=player} do {sleep 0.05;if (cameraView=="EXTERNAL") then {vehicle player switchCamera "INTERNAL"}}}

and I figured I could just swap around the External and Internal.

But for some reason I can't even get that trigger to work as posted (before swapping the terms).


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