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How to Create an Blackout

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goodnight friends ...

I'm trying to create a blackout in Agia Marina after the destruction of a transformer. I used a script to the Arma 2.


// lightsoff.sqf
_pos    = _this select 0;
_range = _this select 1;

// Add more types if needed
_types = ["Land_lampa_vysoka", "Land_lampa_ind", "Land_lampa_ind_b", "Land_lampa_sidl", "Land_lampa_ind_zebr"];
for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _types)},{_i=_i+1}] do
  _lamps = _pos nearObjects [_types select _i, _range];
  Sleep 1;
  {_x switchLight "OFF"} forEach _lamps;

and changed the types of

_types = ["LampDecor_F", "LampHalogen_F", "LampHarbour_F", "LampShabby_F"];

Not sure if this is the correct classname but I'm trying to find a way to do this.

if someone has an idea how to help me.

sorry my english. I'm using Google translator

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thanks a lot, I'll try it if not I'll try to work out a set damage in lamps or poles.

I'll post any results back.

Once again, thanks

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