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Nice video - Night battle for Agios Efstratios

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Hi All,

I just put together some footage in the arma 3 editor. I absolutely love the new lighting engine and I wanted to show it off.

I have basically made two forces descend on Agios (the little town by the airfield) and played it from a bunch of different perspectives to produce the footage which I edited together. I had the radio chatter turned off when filming the footage and dubbed in some later to make it more exciting sounding.

This was my first ever time using the editor in any Arma game so it's a bit frantic and disorganised, but it shows the potential of the sandbox side of this game to create great emergent scenarios. I can't tell you how excited I've been to have a game that allows me this much control over how I play it.

I also run and gun a bit too much and get myself killed quite a lot.

(I need my post count to be > 1 to post a link so I'll add it in a reply)

Thanks alot.


---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:56 ----------

Here is the video:

Please leave a comment/throw me a like if you enjoy it.


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