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do i need to upgrade anything on my computer?

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hey guys new to the forums but i have been a massive flashpoint/arma fan since it was released in 2001

recently bought a new gaming computer and the specs are as follows

CPU: Intel® Coreâ„¢ i7-3820 Quad Core 3.60 GHz 10MB Intel Smart Cache LGA2011

HDD: 1TB SATA-II 3.0Gb/s 16M Cache Hard Drive (Single Hard Drive)

MEMORY: 8GB (4x2GB) PC10666 DDR3/1333mhz Quad Channel Memory

MOTHERBOARD: Gigabyte X79-UD3 Intel X79 Chipset, 3-Way SLI / Crossfire supported, 4 Channel DDR3 ATX Mainboard w/ 4 RAM slots, Dolby Home Theater 7.1

VIDEO: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2GB 16X PCIe 3.0 Video Card

i just want to know if these specs will potentially bottleneck in any way?

we all had problems with arma 2 no matter what the specs but i kind of got this computer for the main reason of playing arma 3 (and other demanding games)

your opinions would be greatly appreciated! thank you

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Not counting the fact that you spend much more money than necessary on the CPU, since an i5-3570k would have been faster and cheaper.

Anyway, no you do not need to upgrade. YOur performance won't be better with better parts.

I have an i5-3570k and a GTX 660ti and I run everything maxed out. Depending on the server, my performance might take a dip. But that is an issue with the game.

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there will always be a bottleneck otherwise games could run at infinite fps. The bottleneck will probably be the cpu but there's nothing on the market that'll perform any better in arma3, so upgrading would be pointless.

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There's no issue with your hardware. It's the game's engine itself that lacks the code to properly use multiple CPU-core or threads. It's a shame actually, once you consider it's 2013 and a majority have at least a dual or quad-core CPU.

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Your best bet would be a faster CPU clock, but you'd have to basically side-grade your processor.

Currently most games benefit more from a higher clock speed than more threads.

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You are going to be able to run the game totally fine with that set up. No need to upgrade anything now. You can worry about upgrades down the road if you feel they are nessicary.

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There is a very clearly labelled thread for this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147391-Will-my-PC-run-this-What-CPU-GPU-to-get-What-settings-What-System-Specifications please use that, as a new forum user please familiarise yourself with the various forums and the sticky threads in those forums before starting new threads.

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