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3D Editor (Real Time)

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Hey Chris, don't thank me, thanks goes to JonUkutube and RPS for the hints and the documentation.

I've just forwarded the message ;)

There is also a vid on the RPS site:

by MrNomofica

Actually its just a frame, maybe somebody or BIS take pity on current status of the tool and enhance it's functions.


Btw. there is a theard with much more infos about the usage in the editing-forum.

So for further questions better use this theard:


Edited by Raptor

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Unfortunately my understanding of last year's statement walking back the 3D editor was essentially "no, we're not going to improve it from what was in Arma 2", meaning that if DnA has the same answer as his predecessor, then what you see from RPS is as good as it gets and you can forget about BI spending any time on it.

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at 25E for the game, I would pay another 25-30 just for a full functioning 3d editor... maybe even 40 if it is done with the same care as the game, and I don't need to save and reload my work again just to see if my objects are where I place them, and so on.

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