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Hackers have come to Arma 3

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YUP say goodbye to the virgin days THEY HAVE COME. just got in a game and ppl were complaining about a hacker so i went to investigate and the hackers name was CowGoesMooMoo i found him. He was a soldier just walking around with a rocket launcher killing everyone n anything. So me with my assault rifle put 2 clips in his head and nothing he then turns around and shot the ground next to me (i was within 2 feet of him) and killed me....

Arma 3 hacked in alpha thought i would never see they day ppl hack a Alpha/beta...

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If you search for hackers/hacking you would see this has been covered, at the end of the day this initial alpha release is without the protections which will follow in later releases, no need for panic just yet. This thread remains open and is parallel to the topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145039-Please-drop-battleye-for-arma-3&p=2327675#post2327675

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