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Scope of AI setskill/accuracy changes? Can I setskill(aimingSpeed) on showcase m

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I'm puzzled about what the scope of changes is. At current state, Arma's AI troops are too fast and too precise in killing me from very far. So what can I do?

- There's the setSkill-Array. aimingAccuracy is there...

So if I make my own missions I can put that in init.sqf and use that.

- Then there's the sliders in the game playing options. I think they change "skillFriendly/enemy" "precisionFriendly/enemy" in the user config file.


a) does that also mean they change aimingAccuracy

b) do the config file values influence gameplay, if the mission maker has defined the setSkill array?

Let's say I want to play the SP infantry showcase mission and have the enemy AI playing in a fashion like this:

setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.15];
setskill ["spotDistance",0.8];
setskill ["spotTime",0.8];
setskill ["courage",0.7]; 
setskill ["commanding",0.8]; 
setskill ["aimingShake",0.2];
setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.7];

Can I achieve this?


EDIT: Accidentally pressed ENTER, subject a bit b0rked

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