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Difficulty of creating a new character unit, possible shortcuts?

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So I have a textured model of a unit with all the gear also modeled and textured (helmet, backpack, vest, etc).

I barely comprehend what I am doing here so I'm sure there are tons of things I'm missing out on, but do I really need to create and whole new model.cfg and config.cpp to add on to this unit (except for editing the name and side and so forth)?

Is there anything stopping me from borrowing another model.cfg and config.cpp and just editing that for my character?

The same question goes for weapons as well. There is nothing crazy out of the ordinary about these models, and they behave the way any other weapon or unit would in-game.

Edited by spacenavy90

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So I have a textured model of a unit with all the gear also modeled and textured (helmet, backpack, vest, etc).

I barely comprehend what I am doing here so I'm sure there are tons of things I'm missing out on, but do I really need to create and whole new model.cfg and config.cpp to add on to this unit (except for editing the name and side and so forth)?

Is there anything stopping me from borrowing another model.cfg and config.cpp and just editing that for my character?

The same question goes for weapons as well. There is nothing crazy out of the ordinary about these models, and they behave the way any other weapon or unit would in-game.

You can inherit from base classes (which can be any clases that already exist in game), so no, you don't have to rewrite an entire config or model.cfg, just simply tell the game that that x unit/weapon behaves the same as y unit/weapon (obviously you need to define your own classnames, give the addon a name in the editor, etc etc, but you can get away with remarkably little in a config, if you wish)

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