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Custom Danger.fsm

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quick question: is it still possible to trigger a custom danger.fsm file loaded via a config mod?

While this works within ArmA2 i can't it get working withing ArmA3 Alpha.

Looks like the custom .fsm is not loaded at all.

Example code:

class CfgPatches
class bcombat_danger_fsm
	units[] = { };
	weapons[] = { };
	requiredAddons[] = {"CBA_Extended_EventHandlers", "bdetect", "bcombat"};
	version = "0.10BETA";
	versionStr = "0.10 BETA";
	versionDesc= "bcombat_danger_fsm";
	versionAr[] = {0,1,0};
	author[] = {"fabrizio_T"};

class CfgVehicles
class Land;
class Man: Land{};
class CAManBase: Man
 fsmDanger = "@bcombat\fsm\danger.fsm";


Looks like the .pbo containing the above code is loaded, since with game running the file is locked.

Also i can't seem able to raise any errors if the file path set into fsmDanger does not exist.

Edited by fabrizio_T

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backup and unpack your characters_f pbo, delete or replace the danger.fsm and repack it, to see if it is being loaded at all. maybe it is hard coded now?

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backup and unpack your characters_f pbo, delete or replace the danger.fsm and repack it, to see if it is being loaded at all. maybe it is hard coded now?


I did try that a few hours ago, but i wasn't able to figure where to put the extracted characters_f.pbo directory tree.

Tried leaving it into /addons or putting it into game root dir /, but no luck: always ended up with problems with some A3_air_F dependancy error on load.

Internally the characters_f.pbo structure is something like:


i wonder where i have to put these files in order to get the game load them fine.

Tried so far these paths:


No luck.


Finally i decided to extract characters_f.pbo, inject my own danger.fsm in it and repackage.

My injected danger.fsm was successfully executed, meaning that behaviour is not hardcoded.

Still i wonder why i am not able to override the file externally, as i usually did in ArmA2.

Edited by fabrizio_T

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I just noticed that you don't have the original characters_f patch entry in requiredAddons. I'm sure that has caused problems for me, as I believe it affects the loading order of addons. it might be loading your mod first and then writing over it with the original data. As far as I know expansions are loaded first.

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I just noticed that you don't have the original characters_f patch entry in requiredAddons. I'm sure that has caused problems for me, as I believe it affects the loading order of addons. it might be loading your mod first and then writing over it with the original data. As far as I know expansions are loaded first.

Nice find! I think i overlooked that, what you say indeed makes sense.

I'll try it asap. Thanks.

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