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Intro screen locks on

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Whenever loading a game and a black intro comes up (on multiplayer normally to say who made the mission etc) I cannot get past this . It just stays on the black screen however I can shoot move etc, just cannot see the game , only the black intro screen. I'm definetly in the game and functional because if i hit esc to bring up the menu I can see in the game . Anybody else had these problems ?

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Whenever loading a game and a black intro comes up (on multiplayer normally to say who made the mission etc) I cannot get past this . It just stays on the black screen however I can shoot move etc, just cannot see the game , only the black intro screen. I'm definetly in the game and functional because if i hit esc to bring up the menu I can see in the game . Anybody else had these problems ?

yes, that happened to me when i tweaked nvidia control panel, just ingame try to change some settings if you press ESC it let you view the options also try to start the game in window mode.

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