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Will I ever be able to play this game with 30fps?

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First of all I know this game is in its alpha stage, and optimization might not be the best.

I tried to play this game with my laptop, hoping it can run on a playable framerate (>20), after trying all the different config suggested on the forum, and turning and disabling all the graphics to it's lowest, my fps in sp doesnt even go above 15...

My laptop spec :

Asus N81vg

Intel core 2 duo p8700 2.53Ghz

4 GB of RAM on Windows 7

GeForce GT 120M (1024 MB)

ps: the laptop is not anywhere near overheating ingame.

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Find a post in the feedback tracker and add you info to it, there are many to choose from. Also if you could get a mod to move this to the troubleshooting forum that might help. There also may be things you can try to help improve performance but you would need to search the forums for that.



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GeForce GT 120M (1024 MB)

I'm going to say no. Sorry bud.

I've only just found a good balance for my GTX560M that is between 45-60 fps a lot of the time.

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Nope, sorry about that. I'm afraid you'll have to upgrade to a better laptop/desktop with an 'x50', 'x60', or 'x80' card. The 'x' in the model number should be 4 or above.

The GeForce 120 is an entry level card. You also have a mobile version of it, which means the card is less powerful than the desktop variant.

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