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A3 Buildings Classnames (Tent_Hangar)

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Been working on a mission and I am specifically looking for the classname of the hangars located at the airport in Stratis. Hoping to connect 2 hangars to make a large indoor arena. From what I could tell in the editor it is just Tent Hangar but I wasn't sure if that would work in my mission.sqm.

While I was at it, I couldn't find a class name for the buildings located on Stratis. And I already looked through http://browser.six-projects.net/ So I am curious if that can be found anywhere.

If that isn't out or possible then my next move would be to insert the 'WarfareBAirport' Hangar from A2 directly into the mission file so people won't have to download addons or make a mod for it. Looked all through the forums and couldn't find a solution...:butbut:

Any other possibilities or bits of info that may help would do good. If you have any questions just lemme know.

Thanks for the help in advance! :wave:

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