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Questions from a noobie =)

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Sorry but I just started playing this game.

1-when in multiplayer when I pick up money where do I spend that money?

2- and when I pick up thing from other players and I put them in my inventory, how do I use them? I open up the inventory and things are there but don't know what to do. sorry for the dumb questions in advance :confused:

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1- press M and go to the shops marked in the map. (gamemode is wasteland btw if you have any other doubts about it google it).

2- things like what? most of the stuff doesn't require any interaction with the gear menu.

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Check your control setup. Thinks like night vision goggles (NVGs), binoculars, map, watch, compass, etc can be accessed by pressing N, B, M, O, K respectively.

If you mean first aid kits (FAKS) and stuff, well they are context sensitive and you can only use them if you "need" to/are given an option to.

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