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Hint doesn't working

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Hint and hintC don't work in trigger with condition TRUE. Is it bug or am I doing something wrong? But in the showcases it's working...

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Hint and hintC don't work in trigger with condition TRUE. Is it bug or am I doing something wrong? But in the showcases it's working...

It's not displaying at all?

Condition: (leave it how it was) this

Activation: Anybody (unless you just want opfor/blufor to see it then select either opfor/blufor)

On Act: hint format ["enter whatever you want displayed here"];

and if you don't want that black box you can just remove the word format and the brackets from that command...soo it would look like this..

On Act: hint "type whatever here";

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heres a quick little thing to check, and btw hint and hintc will not work together as hintc will overight hint anyway

place a trigger ingame

//in the condition box type: 
alive player 
// this means that when you spawn the trigger will detect that your player is alive ingame

//in the activation box type: 

hint "hint is working";

//this will dsiplay a hint

//however if you wish to display hintC you will need totype
//in the activation box type: 

hintc "hintc is working";

//this will dsiplay a hintc

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You don't understand! I don't use both of them in the same time, but they don't work neither. I tried everything! Like join (group) the trigger with player for activation, or testing if the player is alive... everything! But nothing work and moreover it started to warn me, that there is missing semicolon ( ; ) behind the command HINT. So is there a possibility of bug? That the hint command doesn't know strings... Where I should to report a bug???

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Moved to troubleshooting as requested.

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