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Creating a Marker by trigger - Error :(

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Hi guys,

I am trying to create a objective marker which is created after the first task is completed, but in Arma 3 I always get an error. This is how the Trigger looks like:

[....]; _Marker2 = createMarker ["Marker2", [1800,5.5,5500]]; "Marker2" setmarkertype "objective"; "Marker2" setMarkerDir -41.4701; "Marker2" setMarkerColor "Red"; "Marker2" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "Marker2" setMarkerSize [1, 1];

There is a Error that Arma 3 doesnt find the icon objective...If I work with a Ellipse...Arma 3 has problem with the colour?

BTW. _Marker2 = createMarker ["Marker2", [1800,5.5,5500]] <- Which one is X, Y, Z Axis? Do I add there the meters on the map?

What am I doing wrong? :(

Thanks guys!


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You can't create local variables in triggers, so remove the _. "Objective" isn't a valid markertype, I strongly suggest you use the ingame config viewer and hit up CfgMarkers. Try mil_objective or hd_objective.

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Thanks! This works. Now the only remaining problem is that red is not a valid colour :D

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It's "ColorRed". Every color is preceded by the "Color" prefix.

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