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Glitch allows players to see through walls and objects

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Hi there,

I'd like to draw some attention on a glitch that gives players the ability to see through walls and other objects in the hope that Bohemia Interactive gets aware of how important it is to fix this.

This glitch has been around for a while now breaking pvp gameplay long enough and since we're in alpha, I think there is no issue in reporting such things publicly.

Here's the video showing how to reproduce:

I created a report of the issue here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3356

Thank you for your attention,


Edited by radical.ghost
added youtube link

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These config changes largely resolve this issue. If it is otherwise technically solvable then you should disable the zoomin

class CfgPatches
class al_fristview_01
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Characters_F"};

class CommanderOptics;
class MainTurret;
class NewTurret;
class Turrets;
class ViewCargo;
class ViewGunner;
class ViewOptics;
class ViewPilot;

class CfgVehicles
class Land;

class All
	class ViewPilot
		initFov = 0.75;//0.9;
		minFov = 0.75;//0.42;
		maxFov = 0.9;//0.9;
	class ViewCargo
		initFov = 0.75;//0.7;
		minFov = 0.75;//0.42;
		maxFov = 0.85;//0.85;
	class ViewOptics
		initFov = 0.75;//0.7;
		minFov = 0.75;//0.42;
		maxFov = 0.85;//0.85;

class Man: Land
	class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
		initFov = 0.75;//0.95;
		minFov = 0.75;//0.4;
		maxFov = 1.1;//1.1;

class CAManBase: Man
	class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
		initFov = 0.75;//0.7;
		minFov = 0.75;//0.25;
		maxFov = 1.1;//1.1;


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