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Need help with script a Attachto / animate script

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so im trying to animate a ramp that has a vehicle on it... i have a piece called "ramp" (its the name of the bone ramp) and im trying to attach the vehicle to it, then animate the ramp to close

this gives an error.... could anyone please help me...

i dont think the script sees the bone "ramp", and this script is inside the addon it self when its binarized...


_plane = _this select 0;

_veh = _this select 1;

_player = _this select 2;

_d = direction _plane;

_dv = direction _veh;

_dv = _dv - _d;

_difx = (cos(_d))*((getpos _veh select 0) - (getpos _plane select 0)) - (sin(_d))*((getpos _veh select 1) - (getpos _plane select 1));

_dify = (cos(_d))*((getpos _veh select 1) - (getpos _plane select 1)) + (sin(_d))*((getpos _veh select 0) - (getpos _plane select 0));

if (ABS(_difx)>4) then


hint (localize "STR_GALAXY_C5_OP");

if (true) exitWith {};




_player setfuel 0;

_player action ["GetOut", vehicle _player];

player disableAI "ANIM";

_veh disableAI "ANIM";

_veh disableAI "MOVE";

_veh setfuel 0;

sleep 0.01;

_difz = (getpos _plane select 2) - (getpos _veh select 2) + 6.0;

_veh allowDamage false;

hint format ["X1: %1 Y1: %2 Z1: %3", _difx, _dify, _difz];

_veh attachTo [_plane,"ramp"]; //[_difx,_dify,_difz]]; //changed

_veh setfuel 0;

[_plane] execvm "\dropship\scr\back_rampclose.sqf";//added

sleep 0.01;

sleep 1; // added

//_difz = (getpos _plane select 2) - (getpos _veh select 2) + 6.0;

//_veh allowDamage false;

//hint format ["X2: %1 Y2: %2 Z2: %3", _difx, _dify, _difz];

//_veh attachTo [_plane,[_difx,_dify,_difz]];

_veh setDir _dv;

//_veh setfuel 0;

sleep 5;

_veh enableSimulation false;

if (true) exitWith {};


any help is appreciated

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