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Problem with base capture interaction triggers with hidden vehicles

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I have a trigger for Blufor capture and another for Opfor capture. These initially trigger several vehicles to appear for a designated side. After initial trigger, when opposing trigger is activated; all original vehicles get hidden (via hideObject "XX"), and the opposing vehicles appear. The problem occurs when someone is flying and base switch gets triggered by opposing side. How would I separate the active vehicle from the activation of the show / hide object module?

This is my first creation using the editor (although I haven't spent much time off of it since the gates opened), I am trying to figure out the ingame editor functions and not use many additional scripts. I have a fill crate and vehicle respawn script but that is all the additions so far.

If anyone knows how to help, let me know.

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May I just ask how you made "Capture-able" sites?

I've tried with the Module > Site and a Trigger, but I can't get it to work properly.

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For now I only have triggers with opposing functions on the same location, to achieve the effect of the vehicles appearing for the capturing side; then disappearing when changed hands. If you are asking about a metering device that would state "capturing" on the screen, before activating the trigger; I do not have one yet.

I am starting to think I have to go about this mission a different way. Apparently there is no way to separate an empty vehicle from its spawn location once mobile, allowing it to respawn instantly or be re-hidden by the show/hide object module. If anyone knows otherwise, let me know.

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