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Hello All,

Can someone check if in ARMA 3 it is possible to fully disable AI, so if given a vector, it will go straight to it and will not perform any FSM and formation logic?

In ARMA 2 no matter what I did it kept running some basic FSMs...

Thanks for the help!

Mike Kilo

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Here is DisableAI in action -

this setGroupID [""Charlie""]; BIS_BLU_group1 = group this; {_x setCaptive true; _x setCombatMode ""BLUE""; _x setUnitPos ""DOWN""; _x disableAI ""MOVE""} forEach units BIS_BLU_group1; 0 = this spawn {waitUntil {time > 0}; _this disableAI ""ANIM""; _this switchMove ""awopppnemstpsoptwbindnon_rfl""}";

This is from one of BIS' Showcase missions, they used it to ensure two AI remained on the ground looking down their scopes and binocs like a sniper and a spotter.

It does the following -

1. Gives the group an ID called "Charlie"

2. Names the group (Leader and anyone linked via blue group line) "BIS_BLU_Group1"

3. Uses setCaptive true so they are neutral and are not detected by either side.

4. Set's their combat mode to "BLUE" which is Never fire.

5. I *think* this makes the following wait until the mission starts before executing.

6. The "ANIM" argument is used so this prevents the unit from changing animations after the SwitchMove is executed.

7. The soldiers will remain in the prone position looking through binoculars.

You could try using DisableAI "AUTOTARGET" which will prevent them from selecting their own targets and running off or DisableAI "FSM" which turns off their behaviour scripts but not having tested it I'm not sure what else gets doing off and if the unit will be able to do what you want it to.

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Hello all and thanks for the replies.

The functions you mentioned existed in ARMA 2 as well, but even when I disabled AI using TARGET, AUTOTARGET and FSM arguments, AI vehicles still demonstrated some AI behavior such as bypassing obstacles , changing velocity in regards to other formation elements, etc.

my intention is to create a vehicle that can move and run its animation, but will not perform any AI logic besides the strict commands given to it - something like the "pathplan" argument found in the DisableAI in VBS2.

Best regards,

Mike Kilo

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