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How to let the AI attack civilians?

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I have tried the usual method of adding this line into my init file..

EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0];

They aim at me but they won't shoot, I also tried changing their combat to RED but it still didn't work.

Any ideas ?

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There's a module to set units or groups to a different side. You can change the side of individuals or whole groups. Set them to BLUFOR.

See post #5.

Edited by 2nd Ranger

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Alternatively, you could group civilians to an Opfor or Blufor unit with the group tool and they'll be treated as a member of their respective side. You can remove the Opfor/Blufor leader by reducing his Probability of Presence to 0% and the grouped civvies will still be part of the faction.

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A note on this: the 'Switch Side' module has an unexpected side effect which is that it disassociates the synced group with any group name they have been assigned in an init line.

If you give a group a name via the usual init line method (myGroup = group this), this group name will be deleted, or at least will cease to be associated with this group after the group has been synced with the Switch Side module. I suppose that's how the module works; creating a group of the desired side and adding the units to that new group. But this means you will be unable to reference the group in a script using their original name. This doesn't happen with the old method of changing sides as described by khorosho above, so that method should be used until this is fixed.

Edited by 2nd Ranger

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