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Hit points - Will it be changed?

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Just a quick one,

I do not know how complex this issue is within the engine. Possibly it is far too complex to consider before A3 is released but I thought I would ask just to find out.

Will the hit points system in Arma be changed or modified at all?

I only ask, because with all this discussion about ragdoll someone rased a good point:

Ragdoll is realistic when people get killed via headshot or other insta-kill type of injury, but it becomes odd when you shoot someone in the foot and they suddenly drop dead.

Would it be difficult to add some kind of system where you can not die if you are shot in non vital areas? Getting shot in the foot could cause you to only be able to walk, or to fall over. Hand shots could make aiming very poor, or make you unable to shoot/perform complex hand tasks.

But hand and foot shots should never be able to cause insta death.

It's slightly more complex, and probably will be reserved for mods, but even things like losing legs should not be insta death, but then you need to simulate blood loss and trauma etc.

But to keep it simple, can we just get a system whereby hand and footshots can never be fatal?

I hope you understand what I mean.



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Hand and foot shots shouldn't be fatal but they must cause same effects as they did in OFP, however not the crawling one but more like VBS2 one where the soldier still can walk but really badly with a leg shot - I haven't noticed any of those in A3. In addition to that they also must cause bleeding (which they do, yes).

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How about having a combo system of ragdoll animations and animated movements?

E.g having a character fall to the ground when dying pretty much instantly *AND ALSO* having the character pose as if having a severe injury and effectively showing how they are incapacitated. This might leave a problem of having live and injured prisoners unless they simply die slowly, despite having been hit in the hand, foot, arm or leg.

This way, if an ai character take subtle damage in the extremities, or limbs, the ai/player character wouldn't simply fall to the ground dead.

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OK my mistake - soldier in ArmA3 does walk slowly when shot in the foot - however you are just being forced into walking but instead it needs a proper wounded animation where soldier sorta drags the wounded leg.

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