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SDAR damage

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Tried the scuba showcase missions and the damage on the SDAR seems to be kinda gimped so I loaded up the editor to test it.

It took 6 shots to the torso to kill an enemy on land from ~ 5 meters. Then i tried to kill an enemy from like 50 meters and it took a complete mag to drop him.

Anyone else experiencing this? Working as intended or are some weapons still WIP?

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It has 2 ammo types, one for underwater and one for surface. Use the normal 5.56 STANAG when you come out of the water.

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Yeah but just because its underwater ammo dosn't mean it acts the same way in air. It's a well known fact air is less dense than water.

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Considering the whole thing is built off a .308 rifle . . . :rolleyes:

I like the idea of having to carry two types of ammo and swapping depending on environment.

Someone needs to mod a Cthulhu mask for when I come out of the deep to wreak havoc . . .

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SCUBA mission

I dropped two NPCs easily with a pistol, but with the SDAR I can't drop anyone. No matter the range, point blank or 50-100m, NOTHING. Anyone else experience this? I already changed the ammo type when I got out of the water.

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