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Making a unit move

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I am working on a mission. This missions start in a plane and the whole group paradrop. Everything works well. Until we hit the ground. After that two things happens: a) The AI teamleader wont move to the given waypoint or b) the AI team leader order the whole team to mount the airplane we just ejected from. I have been trying to fix this for 40 minutes now but its the same story all the time.

My teamleader did move to the waypoint before I used the script set unit pos up. But I have to use that script. Because the mission requires the whole team to cross a field. This takes forever if set unit pos up isn't activated, because my teamleader will otherwise run 10 meters, go prone, stay there for 10 sec, run about ten meters more and repeat the process.

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{unassignVehicle _x} foreach (units (group this))

Edited by XCess

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I tried to use Bravo leaveVehicle UH2 but it doesn't work.

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