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repeat message evey hour on dedi

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I need to have a message displayed to all players every 30min or hour just to let them know some Rules.

What is the Best way to do this ?


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I recommend FSM as apposed to sqf for something that will be running the entirety of the mission. I would execute the FSM for clients only i.e. if (!isDedicated) then {[] execFSM "".fsm} since time sync is not important and you probably want every player to get the message upon joining. If You don't know/are not familiar with FSM then just copy and past the below code and be done with it.

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
WaitUntil{!isNull player};
sleep 10;

While {true} do {
player sidechat "MY MESSAGE";
sleep (60*60);

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if (isServer) then
_center = createCenter sideLogic;
_group = createGroup _center;
_logic = _group createUnit ["LOGIC", [0, 0, 0] , [], 0, ""];
_logic setVehicleInit "ServerMsg_Logic = this; this setVehicleVarName ""ServerMsg_Logic"";";

if (isNil "ServerMessage") then
ServerMessage = "";
publicVariable "ServerMessage";

"ServerMessage" addPublicVariableEventHandler
ServerMsg_Logic globalChat (_this select 1);

if (isServer) then
while {true} do
	sleep 1800; //Hour = 3600
	ServerMessage = "Some message here";
	publicVariable "ServerMessage";

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Head over to the server admin forum or head to ibattle.org and set up BEC on your server, which will do what you require without scripting and lots more besides..

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Just responding with a scripting answer as we're in the "Mission Editing and Scripting" section :)

Yeah, BEC is a good alternative, although the code I sent is not performance heavy at all, it doesn't require you to do any scripting.

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