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Looping music while in combat

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Im a bit of a script noob and i tried making a condition that when a player is in combat, music plays.

So far im only able to get music playing once Opfor detects Blufor using triggers. This works fine, but i want to elaborate on it by making music

only play once players are in combat.

I have the looping music script, but how do I activate it when OpFor are firing at Blufor? Or vice-versa?

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Im a bit of a script noob and i tried making a condition that when a player is in combat, music plays.

So far im only able to get music playing once Opfor detects Blufor using triggers. This works fine, but i want to elaborate on it by making music

only play once players are in combat.

I have the looping music script, but how do I activate it when OpFor are firing at Blufor? Or vice-versa?

You can use a "fired" eventhandler.

Look here.

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I cant seem to get any script working for that. I have no idea how to code anything on my own

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So far im only able to get music playing once Opfor detects Blufor using triggers. This works fine, but i want to elaborate on it by making music.

Edited by maya112

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