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Error Missing )

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Really pulling my hair out on this one. I found one topic that is somewhat related, but no solution there (Error Missing ]).

The code in question:

private ["_veh","_vehtype","_tyre"];

_veh = _this select 0;
if (isServer) then 
_veh spawn 
       _vehtype = 0;

	waitUntil {time > 0};

	if ((_veh isKindOf "ExA_RG31_M2")||(_veh isKindOf "ExA_RG31_Mk19")||(_veh isKindOf "ACE_Stryker_ICV_M2_SLAT_D")) then { _vehtype = 1};
	if ((_veh isKindOf "HMMWV_DES_EP1")||(_veh isKindOf "HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1")||(_veh isKindOf "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1")||(_veh isKindOf "HMMWV_M998_crows_M2_DES_EP1")||(_veh isKindOf "HMMWV_M998_crows_MK19_DES_EP1")||(_veh isKindOf "HMMWV_M998A2_SOV_DES_EP1")||(_veh isKindOf "HMMWV_MK19_DES_EP1")||(_veh isKindOf "MTVR_DES_EP1")) then { _vehtype = 2};

	switch (_vehtype) do
		case 1:
			_tyre = createVehicle ["ACE_Spare_Tyre_HDAPC", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
		case 2:
			_tyre = createVehicle ["ACE_Spare_Tyre_HD", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
		default {};
	[[_tyre], _veh] call ACE_fnc_loadCargo;
sleep 1;

if (_vehtype = 1) then {[_veh] execVm "scripts\wheel_check.sqf";};

The error is in the last line:

if (_vehtype = 1) then {[_veh] execVm "scripts\wheel_check.sqf";};

From the .RPT:

Error in expression <_fnc_loadCargo;

sleep 1;

if (_vehtype = 1) then {[_veh] execVm "scripts\wheel_>
 Error position: <= 1) then {[_veh] execVm "scripts\wheel_>
 Error Missing )

I have apparently tried everything but the one thing that will fix it, and I have no idea what that is.


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Gotta use == instead of just =

Script thinks you are defining a variable.

This is how it should look:

if (_vehtype == 1) then {[_veh] execVm "scripts\wheel_check.sqf";}; //notice the double = sign

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Good grief. I knew it would be something simple, but ... wow.

Thanks for the quick reply!

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