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new weapon ?

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after the great (to my mine ;-)) weapon pack, with two european weapon ( steyr AUG et Heckler&Koch G-36), can we wait for a french Fa-MAS (fusil d'assaut, manufacture d'armes stephanoise) ? this is a very good weapon, with a beautiful visual model, isn't it ?

thanks to answer me, and excuse my poor english :-)


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Personally I disliked the weapon pck as it wasnt "in setting" and it hopefully wont play a major part in Red Hammer, instead being for mods. FA-MAS isn't the weapon I'd like to see the most though, the L85/SA80 is.

Preferably the crappy unreliable version from the 80's which this friend of mine in the Cadets uses and complains about the clip falling out tounge.gif - newer versions could be modded smile.gif

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FAMAS? y? there isn't any point in putting Europien guns in unless there is Europien armies. Now I would love to have another country like Britain or France, but until then there isn't a point of having a Famas, G36, Styr AUG. And what about Russia? everyone keeps wanting stuff for the US, so we need to balance the gameplay. BIS has done this pretty well tho.

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i would say the H&K Cal 50. Sniper rifle would be better

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