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OPFOR Combat Behavior

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Is there a way to set all OPFOR units to behavior combat, all at once? In the mission of the player units are detected I want to have all of the opfor in the mission to go to a combat behavior but can't seem to find a simple way of achieving that so I thought I would ask where there are friendly folks with more experience at this than I currently have.

Also, does anyone have any suggestions that could help me start learning how to create scripts rather than just relying on init and on act line commands? I would need something that would explain the ARMA language from the beginning if it exists out there. Thanks for any help that can be afforded on these.

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Is there a way to set all OPFOR units to behavior combat, all at once? In the mission of the player units are detected I want to have all of the opfor in the mission to go to a combat behavior but can't seem to find a simple way of achieving that so I thought I would ask where there are friendly folks with more experience at this than I currently have.

Quick stopgap, untested:

if (({(isPlayer _x)} count AllUnits) > 0) then {{if ((side _x) == east) then {_x setBehaviour "COMBAT"}} foreach AllGroups};

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Thank you Rydygier, this looks like it will probably do the trick for me. It looks like just a couple of the OPFOR stay in "Careless" but I can live with that since the players should be hauling ass to their extraction by this point anyway. ;)

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