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At ease script (toggle)

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I have the following scripts:


_player = _this select 0;

if (atease == 0) then {
atease = 1;
hint "AtEase";
} else {
atease = 0;
hint "StopAtEase";
(_player) playmove "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon";

while {atease == 1} do
(_player) playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Ease";



atease = 0;
publicVariable "atease";

What I want is when ever i call ins_atease it will toggle the at ease animation.. The first part works when ever i call it, it puts me into the at ease animation. but then when i toggle it the hint for stopatease shows up but it doesnt stop my at ease animation.. what am I doing wrong?

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You need to use player playmove "" for it to stop. Also exit is unnecessary as this does not stop an sqf script, only an sqs script. Use exitWith instead.

Put this at the bottom of the script:

player playMove "";

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You need to use player playmove "" for it to stop. Also exit is unnecessary as this does not stop an sqf script, only an sqs script. Use exitWith instead.

Put this at the bottom of the script:

player playMove "";

The problem is that it the animation doesn't toggle so I solve that by using a while loop until I call the script again and it needs to stop it... but it doesn't.. the while loop doesn't stop. Without the while loop he would do it only for 1 second and then go back to normal...

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This should work.

//null=[unitname] execvm "atease.sqf"
_player = _this select 0;

if !(_player getvariable ["atease",false]) then {
_player setvariable ["atease",true];

	while {_player getvariable "atease"} do
_player playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Ease";
sleep 0.1;// try smaller delay if it doesn't work 0.01
	hint "AtEase";

} else {
_player setvariable ["atease",false];
hint "StopAtEase";
sleep 2;
_player switchmove "";

Edited by F2k Sel

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One problem, because of the sleep the animation is not continues meaning it plays it from start to end many times...

Switched it to sleep 0.01; and it works! thanks!

Edited by gopgop

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Yea I didn't get that problem unless I ran at higher speeds x4.

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