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Marker Script Help

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I have this ''player marker'' script , which works perfectly fine but there's only 1 small problem (atleast I think that) When other player (DISCONECTS) marker stays on map , it just doesnt dissapear ....

When player dies marker dissapears nd when player respawns marker is back on him (this works) so why it's not deleting when player disconects.

I hope this is the right place for my topic.

Thank you for your help advance !


This goes in init.sqf

deleteMarker _markerobjp;

[] execVM "marker.sqf";

waituntil {(alive player)};

_unit = player;

_nameP = name _unit;

_markerobjp = createMarker [_namep,[0,0]];

_markerobjp setMarkerShape "ICON";

_markerobjp setMarkerType "mil_dot";

_markerobjp setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";

_markerobjp setMarkerText _nameP;

_markerobjp setMarkerSize [1,1];

while {alive _unit} do {

_markerobjp setmarkerdir (getdir _unit);

_markerobjp setMarkerPos (getPos _unit);

_markerobjp setMarkerText _nameP;

sleep 1;


deleteMarker _markerobjp;

[] execVM "marker.sqf";


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if (isServer) then {
   onPlayerDisconnected 'deleteMarker (str _name)';

Not sure if it'll work.

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_name should be passed as a string so double stringing it may cause it not to work.

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Thanks for trying cuel but it didn't work , same problem all the time, when ppl dissconects marker stays.

Yesterday after 4-5 hours of playing online, there were like 100+ markers at spawn cuz of my problem ....

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Not my handy work (apologise to author cant remember)- but try this - should work


TAG_onPlayerDisconnected = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "removeMapMarkers.sqf";

if (isserver) then
  onPlayerDisconnected { _uid call TAG_onPlayerDisconnected; };


_disconnected = objnull;
  if (getPlayerUID _x == _this) then
     _disconnected = _x;
      _uid = getPlayerUID _x; 
      deletemarker _uid;
      deletemarker _x;
} forEach playableUnits;

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Yeah it kind a helped me but still only some markers dissapears when ppl dissconects or I kick/ban him.

Some markers still appears on map even ppl is not in server ..... maybe there's problem with my marker script which I posted here ?

nd thanks for trying !

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nope i get the same - back in 1.60 i think they amended the markers to be visible to all - or something along those lines - after that this script went a bit funny

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