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updated samples package?

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There was mention in this thread that an updated samples package would be released, including a Hind from the DLC.

I was wondering if there's any word on how this is going? I've recently been dabbling with the liveries, and have been quite successful at getting things working. So naturally I'm suddenly very eager about this. :)

I managed a light and Medium paint job with little trouble -configs aside- but I must confess I'm having trouble with the Heavy. Its like trying to paint an AirFix model, before you've put the pieces together! ;) If a new package is still in the works, is there any chance of an easier to follow layout for the Heavy please? :) Make it a bit more newb friendly.

Would be grateful for any news on this.

If anyone has any advice on texturing the heavies, I'd love to hear!

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Hi there!

Since we mentioned that intention, we unfortunately went through quite an extraordinary time (e.g. due to the Greece situation). This has put a large strain on our resources, and we've had to prioritize other things. I'd like to try to still get this updated, but I can't get you a good time estimate right now unfortunately.

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Totally understandable considering the incident mentioned. Thanks for the info. Will keep my fingers crossed. :)

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