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Spawning AI to mission with delay.

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Hello, I've been looking for a script/init that would spawn placed AI units on mission with delay. The reason is that I've been working on mission there whole chernogorks is ruined. And I had to use some explosions to make some buildings look damaged. So, I want to spawn units after the explosions. OR if there is a way to make buildings destroyed/only damaged before the mission starts it would be really nice.

Thanks for reading!

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Are you using a script for destroying the building? If so then in the mission init.sqf(if you have one, if not then create init.sqf) just use the BIS_fnc_spawnGroup after the code is called to destroy the buildings. Other wise group a building with a trigger and in the activation put vehicle not present then call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup is the easiest way.

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Are you using a script for destroying the building? If so then in the mission init.sqf(if you have one, if not then create init.sqf) just use the BIS_fnc_spawnGroup after the code is called to destroy the buildings. Other wise group a building with a trigger and in the activation put vehicle not present then call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup is the easiest way.

Ok, I'll try that. Thanks for quick answer. And I'm using triggers with activation field "thislist select 0 setdamage 1" grouped to buildings.

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Yeah I'd just use the spawnGroup function then, if you need the group to perform actions after they're spawned it would be easier to script it it than to call it from the trigger as scripting commands in the trigger tend to get frustrating.

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