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Geforce 4 problems-game messed-please help

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I have a problem in my operation flashpoint game when i boot up the game none of the begining titles or menu items apear.  Also, the strangest thing is the demo that is being played, the colors are inverted kinda and doesnt show any objects.  What could this be?  This started happening when i upgraded from a 32 mb geforce 2 mx to a 128 mb geforce4 ti 4200. I also figuerd out that when direct 3d t&l is not enabled, just a pea green screen apears.  And this mentioned above when enabled.  if you would like a picture of this email me at tristan@ditol.com, or my AIM screen name is hondarida247.  Please help!!!!

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Oh, yeah, my specs:

Windows ME (probably my problem!wink.gifwink.gif

AMD Athlon Thunder 900mhz

Sound Blaster Live! Platinum

Geforce 4 ti4200

384mb of ram

and some other stuff

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Are you using a current version of the Detonator drivers that officially supports the 4200? What color depth are you using?

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1st question: It wont run either, as i stated ubove it gets freeky when i try to use direct 3d or hardware t&l. (your talking about in the flashpoint preferences right?)

2nd: No, i am running the 2nd to latest detonator drivers (27.41). The reason why i am, is the newest ones won't freakin install on my stupid computer! If any one can help me with that just halla at me and ill give you a run down of the problem (its to complicated to explain and i kinda forgot why or how).

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Ive just realized what the problem was, any game that runs on Direct3d wont work on my system. Is this true for other geforce 4 users? Would the new drivers fix that problem?

I hate computers!

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I just bought an MSI Geforce 4 4200, and it works great with OFP anad any other direct3D game I have. It's not your card, it's something else. check your BIOS settings, make sure it's configured correctly, I noticed that my computer remained more stable if I kept the AGP settings to 2x instead of 4x.

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i cant even get into the game, well i can just nothin happens.

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never thought of that... ill try

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I have the same GeForece 4 4200 card that you have but I don't have any of those problems. The game actually runs quite well and with T&L turned on the water looks awesome when flying over in a helo.

Not bragging, just adding to the discussion so you can look elsewhere instead of at the vid card.

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One idea: It might be your video-card that is defective though wow.gif or try re-installing Directx as this layer controlls everything concerning Direct3d.

I bought a Asus GF4-Ti 4600 today.

I took out the old GF3 and inserted the new card. Did'nt do anything with the drivers or settings.

Oh and I used and still use v29.42 btw

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Run DXDIAG, and go to the Video tab. Make sure that the AGP Port and Hardware Acceleration are enabled.

If DXDIAG reports any problems (other than the fact that the Detonators aren't WHQL-certified/unsigned), reinstall DirectX.

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3 Things.  First, get the latest drivers.... Second, since it wont run D3D in ANY game, chances are the card is bad.  Thats what happened to my old geforce 2. I bought a Visiontek Ti 4600 and it runs beautiful.  I would think a 4200 would be pretty close to the same. I suggest calling in on the warranty if your getting problems of that magnitude. Third, if it's not a problem with the card go into your display settings, same way you change your background but it's the last tab.  Try checking your advanced settings on your graphics card.  Mipmapping might have to be tinkered with, try a few different settings. If you have fog emulation tables off that can cause problems.  Ohh and 3d antialiasing settings should be set to let the programs choose the best one.  If you get greedy with antialiasing by setting it to high some programs freak out.  wink.gif

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Thanks guys, i have fixed the problem by spending 4+ hours trying differnt things to my computer like instaling direct x 8.1 five times, reinstalling op flashpoint, and other junk. Then i spent another hour running test, then i spent half a hour downloading the latest detonator 3 drives again for the 4th time and installed (for the fourth time) but this time in safe mode, the computer didnt freeze and it worked. Then i was happy, booted up op flashpoint, the title screen apeared, i bout, pissed my self and started crying, i also yelled out words of rejoice. then i started up Ghost Recon, and everything ran smooth, then i started up microsoft combat flight simulator 2 and everything ran smooth. THANK GOD ITS OVE6R. Now if i could just get that Americas Army game to work.........

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