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avibird 1

OA Will not launch but ARMA2 will (combined operations) after a scripting error.

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WTF here we go again! I was working on some editing/scripting when I had some errors like Dfines.h not found, defines.h already exists line 70 ect. while working in the mission inti and decription file. Each time I attempted to start ARMA OA combined operations using ARMA2 Launcher I would get a error saying ARMA2 OA has stopped working. I can start ARMA2 without any issues only my OA will not start. This occurred a few months ago but I did a system restore and repair reqistry app and the problem was gone. I can't get it to run now even after using the repair registry tool and system repair. WHY does this occure after a scripting error and what can I do to fix my issues so I can run the OA again.

---------- Post added at 02:00 ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 ----------

This is a error that I get as well.

Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document:

Action<C:\Users\Avibird-pc\Downloads\system arma downloaads\arma2oa.exe>

Params<nonsplash- nopause-no filepatching-world=empty>

The current thread willl exit

specifically, the system cannot find the file specified

line -> 8767: run%Arma2 exeution%,%Arma2oabaseDir%,, NewPID

Help me please WTF!!!!

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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WTF lol. I got the game working NOW but I want to know why this occurred, what can I do to prevent it and why is my game working now (:

This is what I did. I went to my C: PROGRAM FILES-BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE- ARMA2- and attempted many different ways to get the ARMA2OA EXE to run. (inculding run as admin that did not work).

I right click on arma2OA exe and pick troubleshoot. want thru a few different screens asking questions. One of the screens ask me which version of windows did the program worked on before. Before what! this computer was build from the ground up just to play arma lol and only had windows 7. Windows 7 was not a option on the list. WTF lol. So a pick at random windows xp service pack 3 which was never on this PC. A screen pops up asking me do you want to allow the following program from a unknow publisher to make changes on this PC.

If I say no then the Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document:

Action<C:\Users\Avibird-pc\Downloads\system arma downloaads\arma2oa.exe>

Params<nonsplash- nopause-no filepatching-world=empty>

The current thread willl exit

specifically, the system cannot find the file specified

line -> 8767: run%Arma2 exeution%,%Arma2oabaseDir%,, NewPID

comes up and no ARMA. I get A second error saying ARMA2 OA has stoped working and the program will shuts down.

If I say yes, the ARMA2 OA EXE works and all is good in the hood! But why? I know I should not care ARMA is working but I don't understand this issue of a scripting error on mission inti or decription file can cause all of this. HOW and WHY? I never had XP on this PC so why did that option work? Why did it not work when trying to get the exe to run using admin?

just in case someone else comes across this issue the fix is out there(: AVIBIRD.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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