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Changing gun sound - does not want to change.

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Hello! I want to change the FN FAL from vilas's mlod to not use FN FAL sound but sa-58 so I did change stuff in the config.cpp however what happens is... Sound gets bugged below is the config.cpp abd below that is a comparison of the config.cpp's changed sound vs sa-58

class CfgPatches
 class fac_falpar
   units[] = {};
   weapons[] = {};
   requiredVersion = 1.6;
   requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons","CAWeapons_e"};

class Single;
class FullAuto;

class CfgWeapons
   class FN_FAL;
class fac_falpar : FN_FAL
value = 0;
model = "\fac_falpar\vil_falpara";
optics = true;
displayName = "FN FAL Para";
picture = "\fac_falpar\ico\ico_fal.paa";
UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_regular_CA.paa";  
magazines[] = {"20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL"};
weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
discreteDistance[] = {200, 300, 400, 500, 600};
discreteDistanceInitIndex = 1;
modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"};

class Single : Single {
   begin1[] = {"Ca\Sounds_E\Weapons_E\SA58\sa58_single_1a",1.7782794,1,1300};
   soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};
   reloadTime = 0.09;
   //dispersion = 0.0017;
   minRange = 2;
   minRangeProbab = 0.1;
   midRange = 250;
   midRangeProbab = 0.75;
   maxRange = 400;
   maxRangeProbab = 0.05;

class FullAuto : Single {
   begin1[] = {"Ca\Sounds_E\Weapons_E\SA58\sa58_single_1a",1.7782794,1,1300};
   soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};
   displayName = $STR_DN_MODE_FULLAUTO;
   autoFire = true;
   reloadTime = 0.09;
   //dispersion = 0.0017;
   recoil = "recoil_auto_primary_6outof10";
   recoilProne = "recoil_auto_primary_prone_5outof10";
   dispersion = 0.005;
   aiRateOfFire = 12;
   minRange = 0;
   minRangeProbab = 0.3;
   midRange = 80;
   midRangeProbab = 0.7;
   maxRange = 200;
   maxRangeProbab = 0.05;

class Library {
   libTextDesc = $STR_EP1_LIB_FN_FAL;
class Armory {
   author = $STR_AUTHOR_VILAS;


So as you watch this you can see the FN FAL does not sound anything like the sa-58... But the config defines it and without it ofc it gives the FN FAL gun fire.

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You're doing it right but you're using the wrong sound file. Right now you're using JSRS but having the fal use the vanilla arrowhead SA58 sound file, instead of the jsrs one.

Here's the config for the sa58 in JSRS

class CfgWeapons
class Rifle;
class Sa58P_EP1: Rifle
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"JSRS_SA58\Reload",1,1,35};
	class Single: Mode_SemiAuto
		begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130};
		begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130};
		begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130};
		begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25};
	class Burst: Mode_Burst
		begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130};
		begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130};
		begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130};
		begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25};
	class FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto
		begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130};
		begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130};
		begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130};
		begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25};
class Sa58V_EP1;
class Sa58V_RCO_EP1: Sa58V_EP1
	class Single: Single
		begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130};
		begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130};
		begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130};
		begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25};
	class Burst: Mode_Burst
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.25,"begin2",0.25,"begin3",0.25,"begin4",0.25};
		begin1[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s1",5,1,130};
		begin2[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s2",5,1,130};
		begin3[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s3",5,1,130};
		begin4[] = {"JSRS_SA58\SA58_s4",5,1,130};

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