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Dedicated server beta patch confusion

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Trying to get a dedicated server to run with beta and it is very confusing:

Win Server 2008

1. Installed A2 + OA + OA beta over steam

2. What do I have to do to run OA server so it uses the latest beta patch? Install it manually from that site with the latest patches (which gives an invalid cd key error), or somehow use that OA beta on steam?

3. what command line parameters are needed to run the beta? Simply load the beta exe in the expansion/beta, and or use that -beta command?

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I'll try to go through how my systems are configured to use a dedicated beta server (please note this is just one of several methods of setting up a server)

Firstly I have a batch file setup with the following (negated/stripped the fluff)

start /W arma2oaserver-beta.exe -cpuCount=8 -port=2302 -nosound -world=empty -name=server -config=server\server.cfg -cfg=server\ArmA2OA.cfg -profiles=server -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACRE;@16AA;@Maps;@Capraia;@clafghan;@DualaStirling;@FuegoPalliser;@lingor;@MINOTAUR;@oryxlingor;@Palliser;@PARAMO;@Sangin;@sjb;@ASR_AI;@tpwcas


-cpuCount=(x) : may or may not be something you want/need to run, and also might differ from mine in 'value'

-name=server : creates directory 'server' within my ArmaOA root directory (rpt, log, stats files will be located here)

-config=server\server.cfg : this is where the server configuaration file is read (without this I believe it will read the server.cfg from the default 'root directory' location, and not within the 'server' directory I have)

-cfg=server\ArmA2OA.cfg : this is where the server configuaration file is read (without this I believe it will read the server.cfg from the default 'root directory' location, and not within the 'server' directory I have)

-profiles=server : creates the server profile within the my 'servers\users' directory

-beta=<value> : is where it runs the beta game from (I'd keep this as is, unless you've installed the beta into a different location)

-mod=<value(s)> : are the mods used on the server (yours will differ)

Note 2:

What I do here is....

1) Within the '..\Expansion\beta' folder rename 'armaoaserver.exe' to 'armaoaserver-beta.exe' (Dedicated Beta Server Exe)

2) Within the '..\Expansion\beta' folder rename 'armaoa.exe' to 'armaoa-beta.exe' (Dedicated Arma Client Exe)

3) Copy both these files and place them into the 'root' directory of my ARMAOA

The batch file will then read the 'armaoaserver-beta.exe and armaoa-beta.exe (I use the latter for HC implementation) from the root of the ARAMOA folder.

Now you can update the batch file to read the exe's from the beta directory and why I never have done this I don't know :D

If and when you update the betas (as they are released) you'll have to do the above all over again (steps 1, 2 & 3) and overwrite the files in the root (Hope that makes sense).

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