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ARMA II - Can't connect to friend.

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Dear ARMA II Support,

About a week ago, me and my friend Thompson decided to buy ARMA II from steam. We wanted to play a multiplayer game together (mostly co-op campaign), but failed to connect to each other. We tried multiple solutions found on various forums, such as port forwarding, a cmd.exe command, verifying game cache, et cetera. None worked.

The exact problem is as follows: When either of us hosts a server and the other tries to join, he is met with an error message saying that the connection's failed. Both of us can join other multiplayer servers just fine.

I hope you can assist us in solving this problem. Both of us aren't exactly the richest of our society so wasting 15 bucks on a dysfunctional game would be quite a shame.

Thanks in advance,


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Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I'll try forwarding those ports, but I don't quite understand which to forward. What do they mean with +3 and +1 and all that jazz? And where do I do this? Is there a difference between the first quote and the second?

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Sorry, here's the explanation:

The default "port" is 2302.

"port+1" means 2302+1 (so its 2303), and so on.

UDP 2302 (used for game)

UDP 2303 (used for server reporting)

UDP 2305 (used for VoN transmissions)

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We already forwarded those :/ Here's a picture of mine, don't have one of my friend's at the moment but I'll ask once he's online.


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I don't enjoy bumping but there has to be a solution to this.

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Check your firewall both you and your friends and ensure it is allowing Arma2.exe to communicate (or arma2oa.exe for Arrowhead), if unsure disable your firewall for a test session. Unlikely but you should be aware that some ISP's will block certain ports and as I said this is unlikely but if it is this, then change your ISP. Also make sure Arma2.exe and arma2oa.exe are running as admin if win vista/7/8..

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Both of us either disabled our firewall or allowed Arma 2's exe. We also ran steam (we've got the steam version) as admin.

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Then either you router/modem or your ISP is not opening the correct ports which allow the hosting of a servers. I had a similar problem when I was with one of the major ISP's here in the UK, changed my ISP to a smaller company (pay a little more each month) and no problems since.

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So there's no other solution but to change ISP? There has to be a way.

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Your ISP blocking high ports is very unlikely as this would mean disallowing you to use most communication tools. Surely they would run out of clients in no time having a policy like that. Besides I wouldn't trust those web port scans to much without actually knowing the tools and options that are being used to obtain/interpret scanning results. This particular port scanner returns timeouts for all the ports I've forwarded as well and those ports for sure are open (i just don't want the next best skiddie to find out about it). Port scan results largely depend on the method used for scanning.

OK back OT. Since you can connect to MP servers just fine your firewall (if turned on) does actually allow ArmA to communicate to the outside world. The question is whether your Firewall and NAT rules actually allow for unsolicited communication on certain ports. A few tips for troubleshooting such connectivity issues. First of all turn off your firewall when working on your NAT settings. Troubleshoot one issue at a time. Make sure your router actually forwards unsolicited packets arriving on a certain port to the IP / Port that you've configured it to forward to. Once you're sure it does (e.g your friend can connect to your RUNNING arma server) turn back on the firewall and troubleshoot further in case of issues. Try using UPnP if your router supports that (has some security implications but as a last resort it may be an option). Repeat the procedure on your friends computer as it might not be yours that is having an issue.

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  BabylonCome said:
Check if its your (or his) ISP but running the Game Port test here:
I have ran the game port test on 2302, and it says "port 2302 timed out", do i need to port forward now?

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Hi, I've been having the same problem and I was wondering did you ever found a solution?

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