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LOD path - how to do

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I made model, made new lod Path, made points, linked them, made selections for that points, in1 and pos1. But in game there are no points on model, they doesnt show. What should do anymore? May be, it can make in another way? I need, that, when I in game, like a leader of group, put cursor in some object, like house, appears positions, if they there are on it- object#position1, etc. How to make that for my model? These words - object#position1 - doesnt appear in game. That mean, is what my config.cpp for model is wrong? Or must be some another file, where this points on model are estabilished (like Model.cfg, or some another?) For example, #DirtHamp-position1; #prebehlavka - position1. In what file in Arma thouse positions wrote? In another words, how to set animation for point on model of a buildig - "position1", or "go to that position", etc?

I about that points

http://rghost.ru/43185352 - here is a file, please, see it

Edited by rds100

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