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Mas_lco blury edges in photoshop

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Hey guys,

does anybody know how to avoid this?:


It is quite annoying, that this happens. I know that there's an option somewhere in Photoshop to avoid this, but cant remember myself about this..

Can anyone assist please?



EDIT: The title is supposed to be called Mask_... of course

Edited by MemphisBelle

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so when I make the mask, I use one colour per layer and have the blending option "dissolve" and that stops it blurring or fading colours, I haven't had a problem with the results yet, you can even rescue what you have already done either by reducing the mount of coloues in your image to minimise the colour blurring effect, or by using magic wand, seperating your colours into layers and then applying the bledning option to each layer, I'd select each colour with about a 30-40 tollerence on magic wand (depending on how close your colours are), then create a layer for that colour, and fill the selection you just made with the magic wand with the desired colour on your new layer, ´then apply the blend mode to the layer, repeat with each colour, and as Jamie Oliver would say... "Done"

Hope that helps


EDIT - I might even put together a little tutorial if nothing exists, just for this...

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thanks for replying

I create the mask layer as same as you do...every single color has its own layer...this is important to always have the option to change things...

since I have the german version of photoshop, can you please tell me where I can find this blending / dissolve thingy?



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Edited by MemphisBelle

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its a little drop down menu above the display of levels in your levels tab, its got loads of options in there, screen, nornal, overlay, luminence, colour burn, etc etc.. i think the second one down is dissolve?, it might be called auflösen in german


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I am going to check this tomorrow as soon as I am back home.

what I was wondering about is that gimp provides the same possibilities and works right from the beginning.

does anyone have experiences with gimp worked layer masks?

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Did the dissolve thing work for you? or did you find another way around?


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Did the dissolve thing work for you? or did you find another way around?


Gaaaawd damnit...now I really did what I hate most in Forums...get an issue fixed and wont let anybody know how...sorry!

So it might be the dissolved thingy, I´d rather call it smoothing, it also might be called anti-alias , I am not sure though.

I cant really compare this as I have the german version. If you´ve got CS5 installed, so please make a screenshot while the wand tool is selected to bring up the additional horizontal toolbar, so I´ll mark the respective option if someone else get this issue.

It is the magic wand tool, there´re two of them. The regular wand and the quick selection tool (or however it is called). I got my problems by using the quick selection tool to be precise. Maby be it is because there´s no direct option to uncheck the smooth (or anti-alias) thing.

By using the wand tool and looking onto the horizontal toolbar at the top, I´ve simply unchecked this option and suddenly everythings went fine again.

So I managed to get 9 textures working on my current project. All cfg´s are working including clutters and what not...so the next days might become pretty interresting when I return to my beloved L3DT to improve the shape of my Island(s)...

cya and thanks again.

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As usual with Photoshop, there's several ways of doing the same thing... :)

When selecting single colours globally across the whole mask, instead of any of the wands, I often use the "Select > Colour Range" tool... this has a sortof "Tolerance Range" slider thingy which helps to select all those dodgy areas which are almost the correct colour, or antialiased at the edges, etc...

Once I've finished my mask and exported the final standard .png result, I also often reload it into Photoshop, then use "Image> Mode > Indexed Colour", and load a custom palette file containing only the colours I want... by forcing the image to use that palette, then switching mode back to RGB (don't forget this bit!) and immediately saving again it eliminates any "surprises" later on...


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