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Disable keys for custom ingame keybinds

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Hi, I was wondering if it was possible to disable a key's function, for example, if you press 1 on the numpad it will look to the left, but I have changed it so that when someone presses it, it says a sound, but it also looks to the left.

So for this example I'd want to remove it looking to the left.

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I modified a script that was posted a while back so I could block several keys easily

call with this, just include the key your trying to block

for left it would be just

null=[["LookLeft"]] execvm "disable.sqf";

for more keys

null=[["LookLeft","LookRight"]] execvm "disable.sqf";

to cancel I just use

 keybindings = [];

list of key codes


save as disable.sqf

// list of keys you can use
// Example the folowing keys should now not work
// null=[["Prone","Stand","reloadMagazine","getOver"]] execvm "disable.sqf";

if (isNull player) exitwith {} ;
_boundkeys = _this select 0;

keybindings = [];
{ keybindings = keybindings + [(actionKeys _x) select 0] } foreach _boundkeys;

    private ["_r"] ;
    _r = false ; 
   if ((_this select 1) in keybindings) then {
       // place your code here
       hint "down";
        _r = true;
} ;

    private ["_r"] ;
    _r = false ;
    if ((_this select 1) in keybindings) then {
        // place your code here
          hint "up";
          _r = true;
    _r ;
} ;

//I don't know why a delay is necessary :-(
sleep 0.5;

(FindDisplay 46) DisplaySetEventHandler [
    "_this call dokeyDown"

(FindDisplay 46) DisplaySetEventHandler [
    "_this call dokeyUp"

Probably not the best way of doing it but it does work for me.

Edited by F2k Sel

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Return true from the onKeyDown handler.

Could you explain how to do that?


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