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File not found errors after repacking

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This pertains to my private hive dayz server but it should be best answerable here.

I modified the dayz_code.pbo and dayz_server.pbo and now I get the following errors.

2:01:49 Warning Message: Picture z\addons\dayz_code\gui\dayz_logo_ca.paa not found
2:01:49 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf not found
2:01:49 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf not found
2:01:49 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf not found
2:01:49 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf not found
2:01:49 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf not found

But they are in the repacked .pbo's which is why I'm confused. I've tried both binarized/not and using BinBPO and cbpo. Half of those files were untouched in the edit.

What am I missing here?

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I mean am I missing a step? I unpacked the pbo, unwrapped the bin, edited, repacked the bin/pbo and re uploaded...

Is their something else I'm supposed to do?

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It sounds like some of the script files where not packed/not packed correctly. Have you tried unpacking the pbo YOU packed (the edited version) and check if the files mentioned in the error message are in the exact same position ("init", "medical" etc.)?

Edited by Stuffy

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One of theguys on our TS3 had teh same problem yesterday with wasteland missions!

Don't know what tool he was using to repack, but no matter it wouldn't ever repack the init.sqf file!

Got him to use pboview and it worked first time!

Might be worth a shot mate.

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