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abort script when i deactivate trigger is possible?

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i have a trigger activated by bluefor an it do:

0 = [thisTrigger,50] execVM "createzombie.sqf";

what createzombie.sqf do is every 10 seconds create a zombie in random position (50 meters near to the trigger)


_trigger=_this select 0;

_amount=_this select 1;

_triggerpos=[getPos _trigger select 0,getPos _trigger select 1,0];

if(T_Server) then {

boss globalChat "Estad alerta muchachos, Zombies detectados en esa zona";


//Random zombie classname


_zombie=CLY_zombieclasses select floor random count CLY_zombieclasses;

while {typeName _zombie=="ARRAY"} do {

_zombie=_zombie select floor random count _zombie;




for "_x" from 1 to _amount do {

_class=call CLY_randomzombie;


_group=createGroup _side;

_zombie=_group createUnit [_class,_triggerpos,[],50,"NONE"];

_zombie setdir (random 360);

//Initialize zombification

nul = _zombie execFSM "prueba1.fsm";

sleep 10;



what i want is when i get out of the trigger's area, no more zombies keep going creating.

somebody help me! please :)

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change the handle of the script to something other than a number or it won't work

makeZ = [thisTrigger,50] execVM "createzombie.sqf";

then when you want to end the script use

terminate makeZ

from a trigger or script

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change the handle of the script to something other than a number or it won't work

makeZ = [thisTrigger,50] execVM "createzombie.sqf";

then when you want to end the script use

terminate makeZ

from a trigger or script

Perfect! thanks!,thanks for help me! it works perfect now!!

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