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Vehicle Damage Status Indicator

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I do hope I have the right forum section, as I don't yet know if this is related to the model or the configs.

When you enter a vehicle a damage status bar is shown to the far left of the screen. Green denotes healthy until it eventually works through amber to red as more damage is recieved. Its typically divided into further segments for each part (engine, hull, wheels etc).

What I am trying to work out is, where is each status element (hull, engine, wheels etc) and the status bar iself defined ? Is it from the hitpoints declared or is it something within the MLOD itself? For example if I wanted to add a 'hull' section how would that be done?

Hope that makes sense, if not I will try to claify further.

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All in the CONFIG.CPP

Full definition differs for each vehicle type.

Below forms part (in CfgVehicles), but exactly how it work (as for what gets displayed on screen) is complicated, but its related the full Armour value of the unit.

Suggest searching forums for other discussions about "HitPoints"

	class HitPoints
		class HitHull
			armor = 1;
			material = 51;
			name = "NEtrup";
			visual = "trup";
			passThrough = 1;
		class HitEngine
			armor = 0.25;
			material = 51;
			name = "motor";
			visual = "motor";
			passThrough = 1;
		class HitAvionics
			armor = 0.15;
			material = 51;
			name = "elektronika";
			visual = "elektronika";
			passThrough = 1;
		class HitVRotor
			armor = 0.3;
			material = 51;
			name = "mala vrtule";
			visual = "mala vrtule staticka";
			passThrough = 0.3;
		class HitHRotor
			armor = 0.2;
			material = 51;
			name = "velka vrtule";
			visual = "velka vrtule staticka";
			passThrough = 0.1;
		class HitMissiles
			armor = 0.1;
			material = 51;
			name = "munice";
			visual = "munice";
			passThrough = 0.5;
		class HitRGlass
			convexComponent = "sklo predni P";
			armor = 0.1;
			material = 51;
			name = "sklo predni P";
			visual = "sklo predni P";
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitLGlass
			convexComponent = "sklo predni L";
			armor = 0.1;
			material = 51;
			name = "sklo predni L";
			visual = "sklo predni L";
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitGlass1
			armor = 2;
			material = -1;
			name = "glass1";
			visual = "glass1";
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitGlass2
			armor = 2;
			material = -1;
			name = "glass2";
			visual = "glass2";
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitGlass3
			armor = 2;
			material = -1;
			name = "glass3";
			visual = "glass3";
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitGlass4
			armor = 2;
			material = -1;
			name = "glass4";
			visual = "glass4";
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitGlass5
			armor = 2;
			material = -1;
			name = "glass5";
			visual = "glass5";
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitGlass6
			armor = 2;
			material = -1;
			name = "glass6";
			visual = "glass6";
			passThrough = 0;

What gets displayed in the HUD is related to example paramter;

unitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoAir";

How "RscUnitInfoAir" causes a "damage" HUD display I haven't worked out ...........

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Thanks Gnat. I have all my hitpoints defined, but the relevant objects are still not shown in the Hud.

I found


Typical in that it has most of the important information missing (the values you can use).

I will try declaring unitInfoType = "RscUnitInfoAir";

Edited by robot

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Theres also "RscUnitInfoTank"

..... some of the HUD display seems to be hard-coded and users (us) can't seem to change what displays for each vehicle type .....

e.g. Planes can only have HULL ...... nothing more it seems ;(

e.g. "RscUnitInfoAir" produces one result on Helicopters, and a different result on Planes .......

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