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createUnit - Help with the Syntax

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I have a problem with the createUnit command. The error message tells me that there's a missing "]" but I can't find the spot. As far as I see it all needed "]" are placed.

_grp = createGroup Civilian;

"Haris_Press_EP1" createUnit [getMarkerPos _mkr, _grp, "this setCaptive true; Reporter = this; Join = this addAction ["Zivilist befreien", "CivJoinGrp.sqf"];"];

This is the spot in my script.

_mkr is the marker. It's filled with a String("mkr1" for example). I've already tried it with createUnit array and that works fine. The problem is I don't have an Init-parameter with that function.

I used the Wiki explanation of createUnit to script that.

I hope some of the experts here can help me out.

Thanks in advance.



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"this setCaptive true; Reporter = this; Join = this addAction ["Zivilist befreien", "CivJoinGrp.sqf"];"];

When using "" within "" make sure to use single quotes.

"this setCaptive true; Reporter = this; Join = this addAction ['Zivilist befreien', 'CivJoinGrp.sqf'];"];

Should work. Else try double double quotes (like this: ""..."").

Optimized createUnit array (notice that you can ALWAYS access the unit via the variable, you do not need to name it):

_reporter = _grp createUnit ["Haris_Press_EP1", (getmarkerpos "mkr1"), ["mkr2","mkr3"], 0, "NONE"];
_reporter addAction ["Zivilist befreien", "CivJoinGrp.sqf"];
_reporter setCaptive true;

Also note that you do not need an array of markers (_mkr) but instead you define your first marker with (getmarkerpos "markername") and additional markers go into the array of markers ["mkr2","mkr3"];

Edited by tryteyker

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Thanks for the quick help. It worked. I would've searched for ages to find that mistake.

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Take a look at my edit aswell, I made you a createUnit array version (since that is about x10 faster than the regular createUnit)

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I gave the unit a name to use it with a trigger. I want the trigger to go off if the unit is near it/into the trigger area. Therefore it needs a name, doesn't it?

_mkr = _this select 0;

hint "Script Civilian gestartet!";

sleep 10;

hint format ["Marker Pos: %1", _mkr];

_grp = createGroup Civilian;

"Haris_Press_EP1" createUnit [getMarkerPos _mkr, _grp, "this setCaptive true; Reporter = this; Join = this addAction ['Zivilist befreien', 'CivJoinGrp.sqf'];"];

sleep 10;

hint "Script Ende! NPC erzeugt!";

Edit: All the HINTs and SLEEPs are debugging entries.

This is the script atm. _mkr gets the value from another script that chooses one of three markers on the map and sets that marker to visible.

As far as I know it would be easier to give the creatUnit array function a marker array because it chooses one of those markers randomly and automaticly.


Thanks for the hint. I'll try that. I've tried to use Notepadd++ with ArmA-Script but somehow that doesn't work that well.

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What exactly are you passing to the script inside the array?

If you do it like this:

[marker1,2,3] execVM "yourscript.sqf";

it will ONLY choose marker1. Actually not too sure about this, will test it.

To randomly select a markerpos you should use (floor(random 3));

However this is unnecessary since createVehicle array does this automatically.

About your trigger issue, you would simply use just "reporter" instead of "_reporter" to make the unit a global instead of local variable. This way you can access the unit via trigger in the game itself.

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What exactly are you passing to the script inside the array?

If you do it like this:

[marker1,2,3] execVM "yourscript.sqf";

it will ONLY choose marker1. Actually not too sure about this, will test it.

To randomly select a markerpos you should use (floor(random 3));

However this is unnecessary since createVehicle array does this automatically.

About your trigger issue, you would simply use just "reporter" instead of "_reporter" to make the unit a global instead of local variable. This way you can access the unit via trigger in the game itself.

The value of _mkr is just one string. It's the actual marker name. I.e. "mkr1".

This is the part of the other script that passes the mkr-value.

_rNumber = round(random 2);

hint format["%1",_rNumber];

switch (_rNumber) do


case 0: {"mkr1" setMarkerType "Unknown"; mkr = "mkr1"};

case 1: {"mkr2" setMarkerType "Unknown"; mkr = "mkr2"};

case 2: {"mkr3" setMarkerType "Unknown"; mkr = "mkr3"};


hint "Informant wurde befragt!";

call {[mkr] execVM "civilian.sqf"};

About the random marker thing from createUnit array - Here's a quote from the Wiki:

Creates a unit (person) of the given type (type is a name of a subclass of CfgVehicles) and makes it a member of the given group. If the markers array contains several marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The unit is placed inside a circle with this position as its center and placement as its radius.

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I suggest you use (floor(random 3)) instead of round(random 2). Gives better results (also floor always rounds down so case 3 will never be there).

You can still use createUnit array. Just use (getmarkerpos _mkr) and then in the marker array [] simply leave it blank, since the other markers are just for randomization controls.

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