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Stuck on a Air Drop Script

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I've been trying to get this to work for awhile and I'm just out of ideas at this point. The original thread for this script hasn't been responded to in awhile so I'm looking elsewhere for help.

I have everything working, the only issue is when I do a supply drop. I have the crate falling and the crate hits the ground and I can see everything inside as well as take everything out. But the problem is when running MP I'm the only one that sees everything in there. Everyone else only sees the default items in the box.

Couple more details that might help:

-The crate is supposed to be filled with the cargo script when it touches down, which it does.. but only for me no one else on the server sees it.

-I host off the same machine that we play on

Here's the script. Any help I could get on it would be great. Thanks.

Simple airdrop with script-support

Requirements: CBA

	caller,			// calling unit (object)
	vehicle,		// class of airplane doing the drop (string)
	approachFrom,	// approach vector (0-359) (-1 for random approach) (numeric)
	flyHeight,		// aircraft altitude (numeric)
	dropAt,			// starting drop position (multiple packages will be dropped at intervals) (position)
	interval,		// interval in seconds between drops (numeric)
	scripts,		// [ "ingress-script", "approach-script", "egress-script"]						
	items-array		// [
						[ "parachuteclass", "droppeditemclass", "script-to-run-on-item-drop", "script-to-run-on-item-after-touch-down" ], 
						[ "parachuteclass", "droppeditemclass", "script-to-run-on-item-drop", "script-to-run-on-item-after-touch-down" ]


	gets called with two parameters: caller (object), drop-vehicle (object)

	gets called with two parameters: caller (object), drop-vehicle (object)

	gets called with two parameters: caller (object), drop-vehicle (object)

	gets called with three parameters: caller (object), drop-vehicle (object), package (object)

	gets called with two parameters: caller (object), package (object)

	_n = [player, "c130j", 270, 200, getMarkerPos "mk_drop", 3, ["tbr_airdrop\ingress.sqf","tbr_airdrop\approach.sqf","tbr_airdrop\egress.sqf"], [["ParachuteMediumWest","USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1","tbr_airdrop\announce.sqf",""],["ParachuteBigWest","HMMWV_M1035_DES_EP1","tbr_airdrop\announce.sqf","tbr_airdrop\explode.sqf"]]] execVM "tbr_airdrop\tbr_airdrop.sqf";

	uses a c130 to drop a ammo-box and a hmmwv (which blows up on touchdown thanks to a called script), both drops announced by the c130 (via script)

private ["_approachFrom", "_interval", "_calc_point", "_caller", "_vehicleClass", "_dropAt", "_packages", "_flyHeight", "_dir", "_spawn_distance", "_spawn_pos", "_exit_pos", "_side", "_grp", "_vehicle", "_pilot", "_wp_drop", "_wp_exit"];

if( TBR_support_in_progress ) exitWith{ hint "Support already in progress"; };

_calc_point = {
private ["_position", "_direction", "_distance", "_point", "_pos_x", "_pos_y", "_pos_z", "_off_x", "_off_y"];

_position			= _this select 0;
_direction			= _this select 1;
_distance			= _this select 2;

// ------------------------------------------------------

_point				= [0,0,0];

_pos_x 				= _position select 0;
_pos_y 				= _position select 1;
_pos_z				= _position select 2;

_off_x	= sin(_direction) * _distance;
_off_y	= cos(_direction) * _distance;

_point	= [_pos_x + _off_x, _pos_y + _off_y, _pos_z];

_caller			= _this select 0;
_vehicleClass	= _this select 1;
_approachFrom 	= _this select 2;
_flyHeight		= _this select 3;
_dropAt 		= _this select 4;
_interval 		= _this select 5;
_scripts		= _this select 6;
_packages 		= _this select 7;

if( _approachFrom == -1 ) then {
_approachFrom = round(random 360);
} else {
// randomize the approach angle somewhat
_approachFrom	= (_approachFrom + (5 - round(random 10)));

// set dropinterval if zero (2-5 seconds)
if( _interval == 0 ) then { _interval = 2 + round(random 3); };

_dir = _approachFrom - 180;

_spawn_distance = viewDistance + 100;
_spawn_pos = [_dropAt, _approachFrom, _spawn_distance] call _calc_point;
_exit_pos = [_dropAt, _dir + (45 - round(random 90)), _spawn_distance] call _calc_point;

_side = side _caller;

_grp = createGroup _side;

TBR_support_in_progress = true;
TBR_drop_here = false;

publicVariable "TBR_support_in_progress";

_vehicle = createVehicle [_vehicleClass, [_spawn_pos select 0, _spawn_pos select 1, (_spawn_pos select 2) + _flyHeight], [], 0, "FLY"];
_vehicle setVehicleVarName "Plane1";
_vehicle setDir _dir;
_vehicle setVelocity [sin(_dir)*55,cos(_dir)*55,0]; // roughly 200kph
_vehicle setCaptive true;

_pilot = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,0], [], 0, "FORM"];
_pilot setVehicleVarName "Pilot1";
_pilot assignAsDriver _vehicle;
_pilot moveInDriver _vehicle;
_pilot setCaptive true;
_vehicle flyInHeight _flyHeight;

// calling ingress-script
if( (_scripts select 0) != "" ) then { [_caller, _vehicle] execVM (_scripts select 0); };

// setup waypoints
_wp_drop = _grp addWaypoint [_dropAt, 50];
_wp_drop setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp_drop setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_wp_drop setWaypointStatements ["true", "TBR_drop_here = true;"];

_wp_exit = _grp addWaypoint [_exit_pos, 200];
_wp_exit setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp_exit setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
_wp_exit setWaypointStatements ["true", "TBR_support_in_progress = false;"];

// monitoring approach
if( (_scripts select 1) != "" ) then {
[_caller, _vehicle, _dropAt, (_scripts select 1)] spawn {
	private ["_caller", "_dropper", "_droppt", "_script"];

	_caller = _this select 0;
	_dropper = _this select 1;
	_droppt = _this select 2;
	_script = _this select 3;

	waitUntil{ ((getPos _dropper) distance _droppt) < 700  };

	// running approach-script
	[_caller, _dropper] execVM _script;

waitUntil{ TBR_drop_here or !(alive _vehicle) };

if( !(alive _vehicle) ) exitWith{ TBR_support_in_progress = false; publicVariable "TBR_support_in_progress"; };

[_vehicle, _x select 0, _x select 1, _x select 2, _x select 3, _caller] spawn {
	private ["_chute", "_smoke", "_touchDownPos", "_vel", "_dropper", "_chuteType", "_package", "_scriptAfter", "_scriptBefore", "_chutePos", "_drop", "_caller"];

	_dropper = _this select 0;
	_chuteType = _this select 1;
	_package = _this select 2;
	_scriptBefore = _this select 3;
	_scriptAfter = _this select 4;
	_caller = _this select 5;

	_chutePos = [(getpos _dropper select 0), (getPos _dropper select 1)-10, (getPos _dropper select 2)-10];

	// create the dropped object
	_drop = _package createVehicle _chutePos;
	_touchDownPos = [];

	if( _scriptBefore != "" ) then { [_caller, _dropper, _drop] execVM _scriptBefore; };

	if( _chuteType != "" ) then {
		// using parachute
		_chute = _chuteType createVehicle _chutePos; 
		_chute setPos _chutePos;

		_drop setpos _chutePos;
		_drop attachto [_chute, [0, 0, 0]];

		// add green smoke while dropping
		_smoke = "SmokeShellgreen" createVehicle _chutePos;
		_smoke attachto [_drop, [0, 0, 0]];

		waitUntil {((getPos _drop) select 2) < 1};

		detach _drop;
		detach _smoke;
		deleteVehicle _smoke;

		_touchDownPos = getPos _drop;
	} else {
		// no paracute, so it's freefalling
		_vel = velocity _dropper;

		// create a smokegrenade and use that as the "anchor" since it's affected by gravity
		_smoke = "SmokeShellgreen" createVehicle _chutePos;
		_drop attachto [_smoke, [0, 0, 0]];

		// set velocity vector to that of the plane, so the object falls somewhat realistically...
		_smoke setVelocity _vel;

		waitUntil {((getPos _smoke) select 2) < 1};

		_touchDownPos = getPos _smoke;

		detach _drop;
		deleteVehicle _smoke;			

	deleteVehicle _drop;
	_drop = _package createVehicle [(_touchDownPos select 0), (_touchDownPos select 1), 0];

	// create a new smokesource
	"SmokeShellgreen" createVehicle [(_touchDownPos select 0), (_touchDownPos select 1), 0];			

	if( _scriptAfter != "" ) then { 
		[_caller, _drop] execVM _scriptAfter;

sleep _interval + (random 2);
} forEach _packages;

waitUntil{ !TBR_support_in_progress or !(alive _vehicle) };

if( !(alive _vehicle) ) exitWith{ TBR_support_in_progress = false; publicVariable "TBR_support_in_progress"; };

// running egress-script
if( (_scripts select 2) != "" ) then { [_caller, _vehicle] execVM (_scripts select 2); };

sleep 1;

// cleanup
deleteVehicle _pilot;
deleteVehicle _vehicle;
deleteGroup _grp;

TBR_support_in_progress = false;
publicVariable "TBR_support_in_progress";

Edited by Ghost113

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Still struggling with this if anyone has some ideas.


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Hm, that could explain alot. I never came across the command. Will give it a shot. Thanks!

EDIT: For whatever reason that command isn't in the comref. Guess I will need to start using the wiki a little more.

Edited by Ghost113

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