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Negative Y translation and offset

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Hello everyone. I'm doing a wheeled vehicle and I successifully set the damage function. But one thing just left. When the bullet hit to the wheels wheels effecting and vehicle starting to bending to the ground. Vehicle body descend correctly to the ground but wheels covering their possitions according to land selections of the wheels (wheell damper land). For correct effect I have to reposition of the wheels or land selections negative direction. In the config, that shared in below, you will see everything seems ok. But I can't control it -y direction. If I set the damagebackanim +y direction its working correctly but if I set -y thats not working. And plus offsets effect nothing. I mean I set the offset 99 or 0 nothing change/ movement rate-level not changing. Why offsets not working or how can I define and set that for able to work? Movement levels (smoothness/ratio) is not in my control.

Offsets work for what, how can it will be use? Whats wrong in my situation?

I should move the "class wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim" 's possition opposite of the "wheel_1_1_Damage". How can I do this? ( In normaly default models ofset 1 has negative value. I tried with negative possitive and changing values offset 1 and 0.. And I tried to do this negative min or max values but nothing changed. I tried damagebackanim with wheel_1_1 and wheel_1_1_damper_land nothing changed -- wheels should be sink into ground)

Default Arma 2 wheeled vehicle - after damage :

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8072/8304270655_d8bc67aea7_h.jpg (741 kB)

My wheeled vehicle - after damage

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8500/8305318626_4d3b765492_h.jpg (679 kB)

		class wheel_1_1_Damage
			memory = 1;//by default
			animPeriod = 0;//Unknown
			minValue = 0.0;//rad 0.0
			maxValue = 0.4;//rad 57.29578
			minPhase = 0.2;//rad 0.0
			maxPhase = 0.4//rad 57.29578
			offset0 = 0.0;
			offset1 = 0.00018; //0.18;
			// AxisPos[] = {0.0,0.18,5.60519e-045/*#DEN*/}; //{0.0,0.18,5.60519e-045/*#DEN*/};
			// AxisDir[] = {6.770931e+022,1.2781053e+019,2.2640134e+020}; //{6.770931e+022,1.2781053e+019,2.2640134e+020};
			// angle = 6.829149e+022; // 6
			// axisOffset = 0.392978e+031 // 7

			class wheel_1_1_Damper_Damage_BackAnim
			memory = 1;//by default
			animPeriod = 0;//Unknown
			minValue = 0.0;//rad 0.0
			maxValue = 0.4;//rad 57.29578
//				minPhase = 0.0;//rad 0.0
//				maxPhase = 0.4;//rad 57.29578
			offset0 = 0.0;
			offset1 = -1.33;
//				AxisPos[] = {0.0,-0.33,5.60519e-045/*#DEN*/};
//				AxisDir[] = {6.770931e+022,1.2853111e+019,2.2640134e+020};
//				angle = 4.5445108e+030;
//				axisOffset = 4.357299e+027

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Not really following, on what your problem is.

Are the LANDCONTACT points being animated ?

FYI The MinValue and MaxValue are meant to be values like 0 and 1

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Gnat;2269440']Not really following' date=' on what your problem is.

Are the LANDCONTACT points being animated ?

FYI The MinValue and MaxValue are meant to be values like 0 and 1[/quote']

yes Landcontact animated/defined.

I explained the sutiation and what I need to do in this picture :

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8363/8314079678_1331ffe1a7_h.jpg (445 kB)

I should order to wheels for go down (-y direction) in model.cfg

I tried to define negative direction but config not allow this. I couldn't.. I have to set wheel translation -y way in damagebackanim

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