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Curiosity about transport unload waypoint for player units

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I can't test this myself as I'm only one player. In any case, normally I would just use a script or the waypoint onAct with an eject function/loop to eject cargo at any given time. ie; at a waypoint. I was just curious, there is the transport unload waypoint, that works nicely for either the leader or for the player, I can't determine which. When I have myself & an AI group in a helo, the transport unload ejects me automatically upon landing, but the AI stays inside. I have to order them to get out. Does transport unload only work for the leader of a group or for any actual player unit? I would like the player cargo to be auto ejected upon landing, without using a looping eject function. Is this possible?

I'm trying to tidy up some of my scripts, and if it can be done upon a simple waypoint then I wouldn't use an eject function. Just curious is all :cool:

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Does transport unload only work for the leader of a group or for any actual player unit?
I was wondering the same, but then just started using this
{doGetOut _x;} forEach units grp

What i liked about this was there are no voice commands being spoken, everyone just gets out.

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The only time I got the AI to get out of the helo was when I gave the group leader a Get out waypoint which was synced with the Tr Unload WP of the helo, but otherwise it only applied to the player (from what I've seen atleast)

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I was wondering the same, but then just started using this
{doGetOut _x;} forEach units grp

What i liked about this was there are no voice commands being spoken, everyone just gets out.

It's not a big deal to have to use a command to do this, I would rather just use TU if possible. I mean if it would auto getout/eject any player unit inside a given vehicle. I'm in the process of condensing some scripts, and I was just curious if this was a possibility.

btw, if you hate the robotic AI chatter and on screen messages as much as me, then:

player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
{_x setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]} forEach allUnits;
0 fadeRadio 0;
enableSentences false;

is awesome

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