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avibird 1

how many selections can you put into a menu.

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Hello I am working on a menu script to call in various options within the game. I can add over 10 selections that will show up in game but only 10 options will work from my script. Is the menu setup limited to 0-9 to use in one menu. Do I need to add a second menu to have more selections available in the game world for players to use. Thanks Avibird

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Can you have two menus together in the same mission for players to use. I can only get one to work at a time and only 10 options within the each menu. Am I at a dead end with this direction Help!!!!!

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Hey I added a menu option that shows up right next to my primary weapon on the left side. This menu gives the the player the ability to call in units from various SQF. I can only get 10 selections from menu list to work. With more then 10 items (0-9). Some of the items don't work and the whole Menu gets f up.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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When you say "menu" we have no idea what you're talking about, do you mean a listbox?

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Lol yes I think! Can you have more then 10 in a list to call in thru a menu list box that I made for the player to call things to spawn into the game. Even though I've been around here for a while I'm still a beginner with scripting. Thanks

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I've had listboxes that have more then 10 options. Dunno, maybe you're not using the correct style to get a scrolling effect? Does the list go longer if you make the height larger?

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Maybe I am a little lost on what a listbox is. In my made menu that pops up right next the primary weapon on screen. You have the ability to open a menu to call in units that will support you in your AO. The units will be deleted if no more opfor in the AO. You can recall each one every 20 minutes. The option will reappear on the menu list. In the SQF I am using the addaction and removeaction but I can only get 0-9 to work if I add more the 10 items the whole menu system gets broken and you lose the menu to call the SQF. I also have an open SQF and close SQF that allows the player to open and close the list of Units to call in for support.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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Absolutely when I get home from work put the kids asleep thank you this is driving me freaking nuts been working on it for a week

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OK, so you mean the action menu. You can have as many items you want in the action menu.

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Thank you for helping me out with this one guys lol. I was losing my mind over this! It was a very simple fix user error lol. The issue was with one of my SQF. For some reason when that SQF was called it F-UP the whole action/menu (LISTBOX) function. I don't know why but I replaced it with a new SQF with new code and it all works well.

I need a few things cleared up.

1. What is the difference between the action menu that is build in game vs (listbox made by scripting)

2. how many action menus or listboxs can you have in one mission. For example I have infantry, armor, air, support vehicles and FOB's that can be called in via my action menu or listbox (I am not sure what the difference is). I tryed to make a second action menu/list box to have different kinds of assist units in different menu's but not luck with that. So for now I have all 14 in one menu.

3. How to you add to call a SQF from the build in game communication or the radio menu's. Are these menu's limited to (0-9) commands and if yes. I think that is where I was getting confused about the menu limits.

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