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Getting to Shin

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After the Manta Scene and the Walrus chasing, I am supposed to go over that bridge and stop Shin.

Does not work. I can't get on the bridge since it is blocking me and when I glitched over, there is no ability to tear the shields down.

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Go on the walkway on the side of the bridge. You might have have to blow up some barrels or something too to clear a path.

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I have blown up the stuff that is on the side of the bridge. Still no way to get there...


There would be a path, but I can't get over the small ledge there... because you cannot jump -.-.

Left side is blocked by indestructible containers:


Oh and you cannot get back when you go to the left side, there is another ledge blocking you from getting back:


Oh and thanks to the moderator for moving it to the dead part of the forum where nobody checks...-.-

Edited by Scorcher24

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Before you go up the ramp at the start of the bridge, while you are still walking on soil, keep to the right.

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