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Modify weapon's kickback

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Hi guys,

Im uninitiated to modding and asking on behalf of another person working on a weapon.

Anyways, how to modify (minimize) the amount of kickback the weapon has when firing it in standing position (aiming down the sights)? What I refer to as "kickback" translates to the weapon and screen shaking as the trigger is pressed. I am guessing the values are somewhere in config but where / what exactly are they?

Hope you can help!

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kickback=recoil :)

Do you want it for all weapons or specific ones? if its for all you can use setrecoilcoefficant to change the recoil quickly.

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Ha! I thought recoil was the amount of lift the muzzle gets when firing.

Well I'm actually asking on behalf of Christian who is updating his mp7 pack. Im his beta tester and in my view when standing this relatively small weapon kicks quite hard. He already changed the recoil and now the weapon is much more controllable in full auto mode (the lift is much smaller). I was thinking that perhaps the kick was a separate parameter.

Anyways, where would I set the setrecoilcoefficient? in mission init.sqf?

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Dating all the way back to OFP (the original REAL OFP) I believe this is how recoils have generally been handled.

subMachineGunBase[] = {0,0,0, 0.060000,0.005000,0.005000, 0.050000,0,-0.020000, 0.060000,-0.005000,0.005000, 0.05000,0,0,0};

- 0,0,0, Time taken, Kick back, Kick up.

- 0.06, 0.005, 0.005 In 0.06 units of time, kick back 0.005 units, kick up 0.005 units

- 0.050000,0,-0.020000, 0.060000 In 0.05 units of time, move -0.02 units, move up 0.06 units

And so on and so-forth.

it ends with 0,0,0 at which everything is neutral.

So it pretty much accounts for all movement.

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One more thing: is there a rule that says which parameters control full-auto, single round, standing, crouching and prone?

In the example you give above (subMachineGunBase[] = {0,0,0, 0.060000,0.005000,0.005000, 0.050000,0,-0.020000, 0.060000,-0.005000,0.005000, 0.05000,0,0,0}; ) it is not quite clear to me why there are so many parameters. When I try to modify them myself I do so without knowing full well what's what and so come up with varying, often unexpected results (e.g. on full auto the weapon muzzle would go up while in single round down!)

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